What is Digital Feng Shui?

Digital Feng Shui improves your business building a website or an eShop according to the principle of Feng Shui with:

Live & movement – Light & Colour – Stillness – Simplicity – Straight lines –Navigation

The Website and Feng Shui

You may think that Feng Shui isn’t real, but your customer conversion definitely is. Like a cluttered house, it will stress you out, make you unproductive, and make visitors feel uncomfortable. Your website can evoke the same feelings. Therefore, your website should be built according to the principle of Feng Shui.

As a professional web developer & designer, website or eShop design and content is my primary concern. It doesn’t matter how good the ads are. If they lead to a website that is not attractive to the customer, advertising can be more harmful to the company than doing nothing at all. Whether you’re designing a website for yourself or for a client, there are some key steps you can take to avoid confusion and generate leads.

Building a successful website requires many of the same techniques and considerations as Feng Shui. 

Because if you want to convert traffic into customers, you need to direct your visitors’ energy to places that benefit you, such as:

– Sign up for your email list

– Purchasing your product

– Implementation of your recommendations

In short, if you want to create a successful website, you need to encourage your visitors to take action. In fact, your actions are your success.
Feng Shui provides us with a set of principles and tools with which we can direct our visitors to take desired actions.

As we begin our journey, let’s delve a little deeper into the metaphor of physical Feng Shui – we’ll start by looking at a simple Feng Shui diagram for a room in a house.

Below you can read 3 important reasons for using Digital Feng Shui:

Clear Path

The goal of every website is to convert visitors into leads. The key here is simplicity. Reducing the number of clicks it takes to get from the landing page to conversion will help you close more sales. It can be as simple as using the product or service as a landing page instead of your homepage when driving traffic.

When you use ads to attract visitors to your website, you create a cohesive campaign where everything has a clear next step. Start with a landing page about the service or product you want to promote and make it the main event. Explain what value the product offers your customer and build the advertising campaign around that. So when the customer clicks on your ad, they go straight to the product being advertised and don’t have to search for it, which leads to abandonment.

The easier you make it for them to buy, the more likely they are to do it. That’s why PayPal is a success: you register in one step and shop securely. You don’t have to re-enter all your card details every time on a sketchy-looking website.

Call to action

Always have a clear call to action. Do you want the customer to purchase a specific item or contact you to make an appointment? Then give them the opportunity to do this via a very clear button in a prominent location on your website. Somewhere where it stands out and you don’t necessarily have to read all the text on the page to find it. I know it sounds very silly and obvious to point this out, but you would be surprised how many websites forget this part

Nobody cares what you want

When you visit a website, your goal is to find what you were looking for. They don’t necessarily care about all the other products or services they offer. It’s very likely that if you don’t see it in the first minute of your search, you’ll just try another website.

What you want to see instead is the price, whether it’s good for your dog, whether it’ll survive a day in your apartment, and how to buy it.

Keep all supporting information short and sweet and, if possible, move it to the About section instead.

Feng Shui & IT Solutions is here to help you growing your business!